call us: 0203 633 2499

Speakology can help you with:

Communication difficulties e.g. Aphasia/Dysphasia and Word Finding Difficulty

Aphasia (also known as dysphasia) is a communication disorder where a person’s ability to use and understand language is lost or impaired. Dysphasia causes problems with any or all of the following: speaking, listening, reading and writing. It is usually caused by stroke, but can also be caused by brain haemorrhage, head injury, tumours or a condition called primary progressive aphasia.

Speech difficulties Dysarthria/Dyspraxia,
Speech Impediments

Dysarthria is a speech problem caused by weakness of the muscles used in speaking. 
Dyspraxia affects the person’s ability to speak when they want to. They know what they want to say but find it difficult to produce the correct sounds.
Speech impediments can also be congenital (i.e. from birth) or functional (e.g. present in the absence of a physical impairment) such as lisping.

Eating/drinking/swallowing difficulties (Dysphagia), including problems with drooling of saliva

Dysphagia is the medical term for difficulty in swallowing. Swallowing is a complex activity which involves many nerves and muscles. Damage to or changes in the muscles can result in a swallowing difficulty. Problems with swallowing can put a person at risk of aspiration (food and drink entering the lungs), weight loss and reduced pleasure at mealtimes.

All concerns regarding voice production, such as a hoarse or quiet voice

The medical term for a voice difficulty is ‘dysphonia’. It is necessary to have your voice box examined by an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor before commencing your therapy so that the cause of the voice problem can be identified. This will enable us to provide effective treatment. Voice disorders can be organic (due to changes in your voice box) or functional (due to how you use your voice) in nature.

Helping you to soften
your accent

Accent softening can be suitable for regional and international accents and aims for ‘neutral’ pronunciation. Speakology can help you communicate with confidence and be clearly understood by softening the accent. Therapy focuses on exploring the sounds, rhythm and intonation of English and modifying the behaviours of the lips, tongue, jaw and interior mouth shapes.

Swallowing and communication training for individuals and organisations

Our tailored and practical training results in confidence when communicating with family members or clients with communication difficulties; and can lead to increased awareness of swallowing difficulties and how to safely and confidently support people who have eating and drinking difficulties. Our successful care home training programme focuses on texture modified diets, thickening drinks, feeding issues and managing risk.

Second opinions (e.g. for Health Needs Assessment)

Assessment and diagnostic services for all speech, language, voice and swallowing difficulties. From time to time it can be useful to trial different therapeutic methods. Communication and swallowing difficulties can have a major impact on independence and it is essential that care plans and health needs assessments reflect your needs. With our extensive experience working closely with other professionals we can ensure that your needs are acknowledged.


Typically these can arise from:

Brain injury (Stroke, Traumatic Brain
Injury, Cerebral Palsy)

Progressive Neurological conditions such as Dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, Motor Neuron Disease (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis and Huntington’s Disease

Cancer (oncology).


We are able to offer the following specialist services:

LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Therapy)

LSVT is a highly effective speech treatment. Initially developed for people with Parkinson’s disease, it has since been found to be beneficial for other neurological conditions. The treatment is focused on improving speech, but has also been found to improve facial expression, swallow function and articulation. LSVT is an intensive method of treatment, consisting of 16 hourly sessions, which take place over 4 weeks. 

McNeill dysphagia rehab approach

McNeill Dysphagia Therapy is a systematic therapy programme which entails a  food hierarchy and is based on using the act of swallowing itself to rehabilitate swallow function. We will be able to advise if you are a suitable candidate for this swallowing rehabilitation programme. A videofluorsocpy (swallow x-ray) is usually completed before commencing the therapy and once the therapy is completed.

Recommendations for specialist equipment

Speakology carry out expert assessments in order to recommend specialist equipment for management of communication (e.g alphabet charts, specific computer systems/programmes, apps for tablets and smartphones etc), swallowing and saliva management (e.g cups, cutlery, straws, swallow reminder devices, apps for smartphone and tablet etc).

Neuromuscular taping

Neuromuscular taping is a technique which uses a specific type of tape to improve speech, swallowing, and facial weakness. It can be used to increase/decrease tone and strength, particularly in those who have had a stroke, or other neurological condition.

This is not an exhaustive list so please feel free to discuss your needs with us using Speakology’s Free 15 Minute Telephone Consultation. There is no obligation to book treatment following your consultation and we’d be happy to hear from you.

The Speakology team will work closely with other health care professionals involved in your care to ensure you receive a holistic treatment programme.

Case Studies

How can you perform for acting auditions when your voice keeps giving up on you?

SPEAKOLOGY carried out a detailed assessment. A tailored voice therapy plan was developed to resolve the hoarse and strained voice. More importantly advice was given on how to break the cycle and prevent future voice problems.

Following radiotherapy for throat cancer, a patient found food was getting stuck, and swallowing was extremely difficult. SPEAKOLOGY carried out a full assessment including instrumental evaluation to create a tailor made therapy plan.

Once supplied with education and bespoke therapy, they were able to return to eating and drinking comfortably, with a significantly better quality of life.

People with dementia often experience various problems with eating and drinking. Difficulties can include holding food in the mouth, continuous chewing, and leaving harder to chew foods on the plate. This can lead to weight loss, malnutrition and dehydration. Specialist assessment and advice from SPEAKOLOGY can increase food intake and improve the meal time experience for the person with dementia.